Cambridge English

B2 - Reading - Missing Paragraphs

You are going to read an Article. A number of sentences/paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences the one that fits each gap.


Missing Paragraphs

Average Score: 0


1. Lifestyles

First Certificate of English

2. House Plants

First Certificate of English

3. A strange type of fruit

First Certificate of English

4. Career Success

First Certificate of English

5. Ballet Dancing

First Certificate of English

6. Wild Horse Species

First Certificate of English

7. Space Junk

First Certificate of English

8. The boat

First Certificate of English

9. Little box of tricks

First Certificate of English

10. The Toaster

First Certificate of English

11. Drifting

First Certificate of English

12. Perfect world

First Certificate of English

13. Loss of bees

First Certificate of English

14. Tipping Point

First Certificate of English

15. The Monarch butterfly

First Certificate of English

16. The Balkan War

First Certificate of English

17. The Global Seed Vault

First Certificate of English

18. Athens

First Certificate of English

19. Train to Berlin

First Certificate of English

20. Online Courses

First Certificate of English

21. Jack The Ripper

First Certificate of English

22. Paolo Fazioli

First Certificate of English

23. Technical Theatre

First Certificate of English

24. Second Languages

First Certificate of English

25. The other Chaplin

First Certificate of English

26. Quants

First Certificate of English

27. A good Manager

First Certificate of English

28. The Phoenicians

First Certificate of English

29. Looking for a job

First Certificate of English

30. The Monterey Abalone

First Certificate of English

31. Time Flies

First Certificate of English

32. Packageless

First Certificate of English

33. City Cycling

First Certificate of English

34. Hot Air

First Certificate of English

35. Self Driving Cars

First Certificate of English

36. Shackles From the Deep

First Certificate of English

37. Earthquakes

First Certificate of English

38. Tall Buildings

First Certificate of English

39. The Sting

First Certificate of English

40. The National Park Service

First Certificate of English

41. The Glass Ceiling

First Certificate of English

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