Cambridge English

C2 - Missing Paragraphs

You are going to read an Article. A number of sentences/paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences the one that fits each gap.


Missing Paragraphs

Average Score: 0


1. Libyan Oil

Certificate of Proficiency in English

2. The Arctic Prairies

Certificate of Proficiency in English

3. The Training

Certificate of Proficiency in English

4. The Holiday

Certificate of Proficiency in English

5. The worst drought conditions

Certificate of Proficiency in English

6. Blogging in Iran

Certificate of Proficiency in English

7. The Industrial Revolution

Certificate of Proficiency in English

8. The establishment

Certificate of Proficiency in English

9. The people who changed English Society

Certificate of Proficiency in English

10. The Colosseum

Certificate of Proficiency in English

11. Officewear

Certificate of Proficiency in English

12. The Ikea Museum

Certificate of Proficiency in English

13. The Faroe Islands

Certificate of Proficiency in English

14. Malgudi Days

Certificate of Proficiency in English

15. Bones

Certificate of Proficiency in English

16. Ringing the Alarm for Earth

Certificate of Proficiency in English

17. The Grandmaster and the Rookie

Certificate of Proficiency in English

18. Office Wear

Certificate of Proficiency in English

19. Caffeine

Certificate of Proficiency in English

20. RoboRoach

Certificate of Proficiency in English

21. Crying Wolf

Certificate of Proficiency in English

22. Tropical Cyclones

Certificate of Proficiency in English

23. The Waterphone

Certificate of Proficiency in English

24. Cavers

Certificate of Proficiency in English

25. Science fiction

Certificate of Proficiency in English

26. The Secret Garden

Certificate of Proficiency in English

27. The Rattlesnake

Certificate of Proficiency in English

28. The Shawnee

Certificate of Proficiency in English

29. Spiders

Certificate of Proficiency in English

30. The Farm

Certificate of Proficiency in English

31. Hot Chilli Pepper Sauce

Certificate of Proficiency in English

32. Speedway

Certificate of Proficiency in English

33. Spitalfields

Certificate of Proficiency in English

34. Nigel Short

Certificate of Proficiency in English

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